Understanding Your Website‘s Performance: A Non-Technical Guide

Lighthouse Report

As a business owner, you know that your website‘s performance can significantly impact your online presence and user experience. But diving into technical reports like Lighthouse audits can feel overwhelming. Let‘s break down what these audits mean for your website and how they affect your overall score.

Performance Matters

When we talk about performance in web audits, we‘re looking at how fast and smoothly your website loads and interacts with users. Factors like Total Blocking Time, Largest Contentful Paint, Cumulative Layout Shift, and First Contentful Paint all contribute to this aspect.

Accessibility Is Key

Accessibility is crucial for ensuring that everyone, including users with disabilities, can access and use your website effectively. The Lighthouse audit checks for elements like ARIA attributes, alt text on images, viewport settings for scaling, and color contrast for readability.

Best Practices and SEO

The audit also looks at best practices for web development and search engine optimization (SEO). These include using HTTPS for secure connections, avoiding deprecated APIs and third-party cookies, allowing users to paste into input fields, having a properly indexed page with a title element, and providing a meta description for search engines.

What You Can Do

By understanding and addressing these factors, you can improve your website‘s performance, accessibility, and overall user experience, leading to better engagement and conversions for your business.